Sunday, February 24, 2013

POST: 5 Ted Talk: Michael Wesch :From Knowledge to Knowledge-Able"

REFLECTION: Write about your personal connections to this text.  What does it make you think about?  How does it relate to you? Be sure to draw directly from the text so that the author’s themes and issues are clear.

“We cannot live the next 100 years, like the way we have lived the last 100 years” (Wesch TED). This 18 minute video just reminded me of the horror in which we endure on a day to day basis and the horror we will soon endure in the near future. This video reminded me of the murderous ways in which humanity destroys its very life source, home, and its means of survival for capital and positions. This video should make your heart cringe with fear for the future our children and our children’s children. Just look around when you are walking down the street the trash we leave behind, the fear of one another, the people we do not acknowledge based on races, based on classes, based on gender, or the destructive messages being thrown in our children's faces of which roles they should play, the oppressor or the oppressed. Take a deep look at the murderous violence our country forces upon other races, the female sex, children, and other countries for means of production. We so desperately need to realize everything we lack as a people because if we do not, I mean that TED video said it clear enough we will willingly disconnect our life support. Our planet is hanging on by a thin string and we need to use this new technology as a means to reunite the people, to create a global movement, and to save humanity. It is very clear that those whom wish to hold power do not care about humanity but rather their pockets and positions in the world. We need to connect, we need to speak loud, we need to stand against the dominant culture. If we do not we will seise to exist we will be destroyed. It is easy to sit in a classroom and feel as if you have made a difference and I am not saying that you have not because just being awake to attend classes like teens in the media is the first step. I want to use my voice but I want you to use your’s with mine lets do a little more. Talk to your classmates tell them you want and that you need more from them, collaborate with them, tell your teachers you wish to have a voice in classes, you wish to make a change, you wish to create a better tomorrow in every aspect of the word. A better world, better systems, better living, and better treatment for all living things. This destruction of the planet should leave you un-able to sleep at night as it does to me. I loved the ending statements of the video when he spoke of the small bird all by its lonesome trying to save its habitat and just through the vision of this one small step every other animal joined in to save their world. It seems to me that this world at this time in history and in past centuries only greed, hate, and violence is being spread all over the world. Lets join together as a people and stop it before its to late. We need to do the same as that little bird we need to utilize our beaks “the media/internet/voices” we have the ABILITY. We need to love one another, we need to spread love with everything in us, we need to let young girls know they are beautiful the way they are, let them know they do not need beauty products to be someone, we need to let boys know they do not need to be violent oppressors, we need to except all genders, all sexualities, all races, we need to make a difference and we desperately need to make a huge change. That is the only way we will survive as a species it is the only way we will save our home. LOVE YA’LL!!! 


  1. Angela, great job expressing your thoughts with us. Basically you are doing what Wesch is trying to tell us, raise your voice, get together and be Knowledge-able. Technology can bring us together if it is used for the well being.

  2. Hey Angela,
    Your posts are thoughtful and of substantive length and your pictures are appropriate. Maybe you could link to one of them instead so you include links too?
    I like that you are using the space for personal work too.
    Let me know if you need any support.

  3. great inspirational post.
    i agree that we need to come together and become knowledge-able in order to make a difference and an impact in our world.
    we can use technology as a tool and to our advantage instead of trying to go against it.

  4. as i like to say great minds think alike very well said the video cam a lot better to learn from and i agree with what you are saying

  5. I agree with everything you said here. Great reflection! Wasn't the video of the Ted talk really captivating? Don't you think it kept you interested ? That's why I think mostly everyone blog post about the Ted talk was great!
